martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Organizational Learning

First of all we need to understand the definition of two (2) words, which are kwnoledge and learning. According to the scientist:
  • Knowledge: Is the capacity for effective action” (Peter Senge, 1998).
  • Learning: Is a process of acquiring knowledge or a skill.
There are several theories about this subject, one of these theories is the Social Learning Theory, which explains human behavior interms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive,behavioral, and environmental influences(Learning theories knowledgebase, 2011). 

According to the above, we can define what is a learning organization. Several scientist postulated definitions about this organizations, an example of this is Senge, who said in 1994 that "Learning organizations are places where people continually expand their capacities to create the results they truly desire”.Nowadays, this type of organizations are very important, because there are several factors as globalization, internet, technology that it wasn't there before, and this organizations are being competitive and well prepared for the future. 

The organizations need to be learning daily, because the world is advancing at the same time even faster, and they need to be updated everyday.


What would be the relationship between cross 
cultural environments and organizational learning 

The relationship between cross cultural environments and organizational learning strategies, is that one of the strategies of the organizational learning is to be informed and update about the cross cultural environments. The organizations need to know how are this environments and how are they acting on the market, getting an idea to organizations to respond to the message that they environment is giving to them.


• Cooper, Cary L. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Blackwell Publishing, .
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• Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2011, January). Social Learning Theory (Bandura) at Retrieved from January 12th, 2011:
• Makridakis, S (1991) What can we learn from organisational failures ?, Long Range
Planning, 24(4), 115-126.
• Nelson, D.L. & Quick, J.C. (2010) Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World and
You. South-Western College Publication, 7th. Ed.
• Nystrom, PC and WH Starbuck, (1984, Spring). To avoid organisational crisis, unlearn,
Organisational Dynamic@, 53-64.
• Senge, P. (1998) Sharing Knowledge. At Society For Organizational Learning. Retrieved
from January 12th , 2011:
• Shukla, M (1994) CORPORATE FAILURES: Why Organisations Fail To Learn.
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• Teece, D. (1998) Capturing value from knowledge assets: The new economy, Markets for
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